Sunday, August 04, 2024

A Boat called The Human Condition

I want to write about something positive today. Something that will lift my mood up; not that I'm feeling down right now but I was reflecting on some people who are plunged in perpetual gloom. I am curious as to what can be done to change such a person's outlook on life.

I've mentioned before that I'm naturally a glass-half-full person, as opposed to someone who always see the negative in every situation. Being grateful for having half-a-glass of water to drink is a much better state of mind than to subject oneself in a tirade of negative thoughts: "My glass never is full", "I knew it: every time someone pours me a drink, it is always half-full", "You see, I never get my full due". 

Such habitual negativity is often found in people who like to see themselves as being victims. They perceive the world as always being unfair to them, and the are being dealt a bad hand. They are 'motivated' to continue spewing negativity because they need people to acknowledge how much they have suffered and how their situation is so untypical of others. 

The need for acknowledgement of their suffering is part of this complaining attitude towards life. Unfortunately grumpy people don't usually attract many sympathetic friends. Such people just need an outlet to vent their frustrations towards everything. Constant venting however is not a solution that will help the person break away from this cycle of negativity.

One thing that can be done is to expose them to the company of cheerful people--people who could lead by example. Let them see how a difficult situation can be tackled rationally and cheerfully, without resorting to anger or blame.  They will find that, a 'giving-people-the-benefit-of-the-doubt' attitude will always make one's life better. You don't accumulate resentments that way. No one in this world is conspiring to make life miserable for you. They are also struggling to overcome their own weaknesses and its resulting suffering.

You see, everyone is in the same boat called "The Human Condition".  Everyone is born with certain strengths and weaknesses. We all try to hide or deny our weaknesses. When they manifest themselves, they cause us pain, simply because we do not know how to handle them. 

Acknowledge your own weaknesses, but at the same time be kind to yourself. Sometimes these weaknesses are just irrational fears that are unnecessarily amplified. See them clearly as they are. Tell yourself, it's alright. It's not a matter of life and death. You are not alone in this struggle called life. 

To call life a 'struggle' is also the wrong paradigm to adopt. You wouldn't call a workout session in the gym as a 'struggle'. Every difficulty that causes you to 'struggle' is just another resistance load added to help strengthen your body and mind. You'll always gain something out of it. 

The Human Condition is a boat launched on a sea with choppy waters. Some sea-sickness is bound to be expected. But after a while, one gets accustomed to its rock and sway and be able to get on with life on it. Blaming the boat or the sea for your discomfort is not going to help. Adapting to it does. 

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