Mirror of My Mind
I was thinking about what to blog about this week for the past 2 days, and I thought about the subject of anger, because I do see angry people around me all the time. But then, I thought I must have written about this before and true enough, I found this post that I wrote in 2005. Upon rereading it, I thought that it expresses everything that I wanted to say on the subject and like all blog posts of mine, they appear to be better than what I had thought when I first wrote it.
What shall I write about today? I could just ramble on and write about nothing in particular. In many ways, it is the theme of this particular blog--like Seinfeld, which is a show about nothing, just people talking.
So this blog is just about me writing and thinking--writhink. I could go on rambling and everytime I touch on a topic, I'll just link it to a previous blog post that I had written. Sounds like a great idea.
In a way, that's how the mind works. Our thoughts wander most of the time and then we just recall back snippets of conversations we had recently, memories of past events, things we hope for and fear and all sorts of random things. This blog is just a mirror of my mind.
Everything potentially links to every other thing. There's like the equivalent of a 6 degrees of separation between ideas in your head. When you read this blog, you'll get ideas in your head too because what I write spawns off ripples of thoughts in your mind. These thoughts reverberate and stirs up other thoughts. Some thoughts grow and become words and action--for action is just the gross level of thinking, something I've written about before, obviously.
The inter-connectedness of thoughts and ideas is what defines you and me. It is the signature of the mind--the intelligence model honed by a lifetime of experience. We view the world through this tinted glass of ideas--ideas which have been shaped by pain and pleasure.
I am too lazy to comment about the latest political events or even technology, which I make my living from. I actually made a conscious decision not to be like so many other blogs that simply rant about current political issues. I have a natural tendency to want to see both sides of the argument and that doesn't make me a very interesting commentator of political events. The most popular bloggers, vloggers nowadays are those that are partisan and divisive. You need to have an attitude to incite both admirers and haters alike.
Let's admit it, we all love to have a figure to hate. One could argue that politicians, celebrities and other public figures that we dislike serve a deep-seated psychological need in us by providing the necessary punching bags for us to release our anger.
Love, hatred and anger are subjects I've touched on a lot in all my past blog posts. If there's a recurrent theme, it is that I tend to see everything emotional as "energy". And when I talk about energy, I will always link it to karma, which literally means action.
This blog reflects all the thoughts that swirl in my head constantly and by writing, I am able to distill them to their essence to understanding their deeper meaning and implications. And there you have it: another blog article, that talks about all the other articles that I've written in the past. I will continue to deposit my thoughts here and over time, everything expressed here will be a true reflection of my mind.