A Quantum of Thought
Yesterday was a crazy day, filled with a flurry of activities. I had to work on some urgent issues on my laptop while coordinating some workers who were repairing my roof leakage and also some movers who came to pick up stuff that my friends left at my apartment when they went back to India.
I worked until almost 1am this morning. Today I had a good breakfast of rice noodles and now I am back in my apartment, hoping to finally relax while writing my weekly blog article.
Blogging can be relaxing when you are just allowing thoughts to deposit themselves on the page. Thoughts come, thoughts go and as they go, they leave a trail of words. When you observe how thoughts arise and fall, you'll understand the basic rhythm of the universe. Observe them like how you would, standing on the beach as waves lap at your feet.
The waves of thoughts are the residual echoes of previous actions. When you allow them to subside, their energy is expended. Karma is worked out. But when you react to them, you create reverse ripples, which reverberate throughout the universe.
Sometimes what other people do or say stirs up strong reactions in your mind. And if you do not resolve them by allowing them to rise and subside, you'll always be in a state of mental turmoil. A mind at peace is a clear mind, and a clear mind is capable of penetrating any subject that it chooses.
A mind clouded with all sorts of anger and dissatisfaction is like having eyes with cataracts--your vision will be clouded and you won't be able to see through things clearly. By allowing these strong emotions to subside, you'll improve your mindsight.
Blogging is part of my weekly relaxation ritual. As I write, I am able to work things out, letting go of stress and anxiety. And at the end of every blog article, I feel energized, refreshed and enlightened.
Nosce te ipsum--know thyself, as the ancient sages like to say. What better way to do than to write in a journal or blog. We are so preoccupied with the external world that we do not even know the motives of our own words or actions.
Each thought is the summation of your life up to that point in time. There's nothing more about you than that thought that you have now. It contains your entire past and future. So give every quantum of thought its due now.