Monday, November 02, 2020

Milestones of Happiness

Feeling a bit exhausted after working non-stop in front of the computer screen for the whole day. It is a good feeling to have spent the day productively. My new wide-screen monitor is certainly helping my productivity a lot. These days I work with 2 laptops and a 29-inch wide-screen monitor connected to both of them.

Having to resigned myself to working strictly from home (or rather my bedroom), I'm trying to make the best of the situation. A second laptop and monitor are among the luxuries that one can never have if one is nomadic. 

I've been thoroughly domesticated by the pandemic. I only get to step outside my house on weekends--shopping for groceries and enjoying a regular kopitiam breakfast, if I get the chance.

The new pandemic normal makes us realize how good life used to be. Will we able to experience that again? And when we do, hopefully we will all be more appreciative of those little daily blessings that we receive everyday. 

Happiness is being able to do the simple things in life--hawker food, teh tarik, nasi lemak, a jogging session in the park, browsing at the bookstore, reading at the cafe and hopping on the next available show at the local cinema. 

Being able to keep my blogging appointment every week is another one of those achievable goals that I set for myself as a weekly milestone. What awaits me after this is a nice warm bath and a bit of bedtime reading. And then I'll sleep with total abandon, surrendering myself to the mysteries of the unconscious, confident that I will be awakened tomorrow to a brighter day. Another day, another milestone, another excuse to be happy.

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