Saturday, October 05, 2024

A Potential Difference

Welcome to this moment. Yes, this moment. Every moment is here, now and eternal. When I connect with this moment, I am awake. Conscious. 

I have an hour to write something today. Let's analyse the previous sentence. It was a thought: I was trying to project into the future when I would have already written my blog entry today. That's the nature of a thought. It's always about the future or the past. When I think of something, I set up a tension in the mind: there's an idea of how things should be and how it is now. This gap is a 'potential difference'--almost like a voltage (V) between two points in a electrical circuit which enables current (I) to flow.

Whenever there is a potential difference, there's energy to do work. Action happens in the world, transforming its state, which then sets up a new potential difference.  Emotionally, this potential difference is often felt as a kind of 'stress'. We could waste all this potential energy in stressing about what we are supposed to do--in my case, what to write.

Stress is like the resistance in a piece of conductor wire. In an ideal conductor, resistance, (R) is zero. But in the real world, every conductor has some finite amount of resistance, which causes energy to be lost as heat (I-squared R) .Stress is like heat--wasted energy. We should try to minimise stress, every time we feel a potential difference in the mind. 

In my case, my task is simply to make use of this potential difference to produce words and sentences as smoothly and efficiently as possible, without worry or hesitancy. Every outpouring from my mind, driven by this potential difference, if I'm focussed and conscious, should be sincere and true.

I have to trust the mind to reveal the truth of things, as nature is the truth. If my words reflect my thoughts which are natural products of nature, then I have nothing to worry about. It is as it should be. Every word produced every moment is precise and accurate. 

But I'm not a perfect conductor. There's obviously some amount of stress, uncertainty and obfuscation due to my imperfections. But that's alright. The whole purpose of this blog is to allow this process to unfold, so that I become a better conductor of thoughts. 

And then there's this thing called the ego. Thoughts change the medium that conducts it.  It's like the conductor becoming oxidised, making it a less efficient conductor. Ego is formed as we interact with the world, congealing around our imperfections, creating impedances which further morph the flow of the truth.

I write to see my own imperfections. I analyse the stresses in my mind and trace them to their roots. Wherever possible, I untangle them. When the mind is quiet, only truth can emerge. This truth is to be savoured, refined and assimilated into the system. When that happens, we call it a moment of insight, an epiphany.

It's such a miracle; I started with a blank page. I had a thought and I wrote it down: I have an hour to write something today. An hour has now passed. That one thought had spawned off a series of neuronal firings, resulting in more thoughts, in physical movements of my fingers and voila, I have a blog article. And who knows, it'll probably trigger thoughts (which it already does, because you've come this far) and set things into motion in your universe. Have I made a difference?

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